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on the lam


Monday, June 4, 2012

Aum fugitive Kikuchi collared in Kanagawa

Aum Shinrikyo cultist Naoko Kikuchi was arrested Sunday night after spending 17 years on the lam following the deadly 1995 nerve gas attack on the Tokyo subway system, investigative sources said.

Kikuchi, formerly a senior member of the doomsday cult, was taken into custody in Sagamihara, Kanagawa Prefecture, and transferred to the Metropolitan Police Department in nearby Tokyo, where she was arrested for murder and attempted murder in connection with the sarin attack.

Kikuchi, 40, is one of a trio of Aum fugitives that had eluded police until Makoto Hirata turned himself in on New Year's Eve last year after more than 16 years on the run.

Kikuchi allegedly helped make the deadly gas and an anesthetic that was used to initiate Aum followers and subdue those who grew skeptical of the cult's deranged guru, Shoko Asahara, 57. Matsumoto's real name is Chizuo Matsumoto.

Police said they apprehended Kikuchi in Sagamihara at about 8 p.m. based on a tip that a woman resembling her was living there.

When police asked her whether she was Kikuchi, the woman said "Yes."

Kikuchi had been on the run since May 1995. The only Aum follower currently at large is Katsuya Takahashi, 54.


ここで使われている語彙は確認程度ですが、collarは先日も取り上げられたように「襟首をつかむ」から「逮捕する、確保する」という意味でしたね。on the lamは、at large, on the runと同じ意味で「逃走中の」です。北欧の方言が英語に入って、lamとして残ったようです。derangedは「心がおかしい、気が狂った」(insane)の意味で、同名の映画もあります。(GP)