clamber up
震災の当日、福島第一発電所になんとアメリカ人労働者が働いていたのです! Japan Timesに彼のaccountが載っています。ここのclamber upは、climb upよりも、「手足をつかって、苦労して登る」という意味合いがあります。覚えておきましょう。(GP)
March 11 started out as a beautiful day, he said.
But then the first sudden jolt from what would come to be known as the Great East Japan Earthquake violently rocked the reactor 1 unit where he was working.
"I said, 'Hey, earthquake!' and two (coworkers) looked at me (as if to say), 'Are you crazy?' " Pillitteri recalled.
The monster earthquake, the world's fourth-strongest ever recorded, then unleashed a series of long, terrifying seismic waves that shook the ground and rocked the nuclear complex.
"I thought, 'I'm gonna die. This is it, this is it,' " he said.
After the rocking stopped, Pillitteri and his coworkers fled from the building and clambered up a hill inside the compound.