常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。

jilt 復習


WASHINGTON — President Trump, citing a flurry of hostile statements from North Korea, pulled out of a highly anticipated summit meeting with Kim Jong-un on Thursday, telling the North Korean leader “this missed opportunity is a truly sad moment in history.”

But Mr. Trump said later that the meeting with Mr. Kim, which had been scheduled for June 12 in Singapore, could still happen, even as he renewed threats of military action against the North and vowed to continue a campaign of economic pressure against Mr. Kim’s regime.

The mixed messages deepened the uncertainty around a diplomatic encounter that had an air of unreality from the time in March when Mr. Trump spontaneously accepted Mr. Kim’s invitation to meet.


A portion of Mr. Trump’s letter canceling the meeting.

He raised that possibility again later in the morning. “It’s possible that the existing summit could take place, or a summit at some later date,” he said. “Nobody should be anxious. We have to get it right.”

There was almost a jilted tone in Mr. Trump’s message, which captured how deeply invested he was in a summit. As recently as Wednesday, he expressed enthusiasm about meeting Mr. Kim, telling Fox News that he would be open to a phased denuclearization of North Korea, provided its nuclear program was rapidly shut down.


 jilt // を取り上げます。『ジーニアス英和辞典第5版』(大修館) によると「(予告無しで男を) 捨てる、恋人を振る」といった意味があります。次に『ケンブリッジ英英辞典』で定義を確認すると “to finish a romantic relationship with someone suddenly and unkindly” あるいは “to end a romantic relationship with someone suddenly” とあり、(女性が) 突然に第三者との関係が終わることや交際を解消する様を表していると窺えます。
  jilt は「節操のない少女,浮ついた娘」という意味のある “jillet“ から来ていることがわかりました。また jilt 及び jillet は男性を振り新しい男性と付き合う事を繰り返す奔放な ”Juliana“ という女性の名前が語源となっていることもわかりました。


jilted - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から