Scattering cremains at sea getting popular
Scattering ashes at sea has been gaining popularity mainly due to the low birthrate, the graying of society and the rising percentage of unmarried people. More and more people are asking for their ancestors’ ashes to be scattered at sea as well, because they want to dismantle the family graves at temples, which place urns underground, and return the plot of land.
LDOCEで“the substance that is left after a dead person’s body is burned”と定義されているように「遺灰」を指す言葉であることがわかりました。
『英辞郎 on the web』によると、「火葬」の“cremate”と“「思い出させるもの」の“reminder”が組あわっさてできた言葉だそうです。“cremains”一語で複数扱いとなります。(flying bird)