spasms 復習
Tearful Obama, Announcing Gun Control Steps, Condemns Shootings
WASHINGTON — As tears streamed down his face, President Obama on Tuesday condemned the repeated spasms of gun violence across America as he announced new executive actions intended to reduce the number of mass shootings, suicides and killings that have become routine in the nation’s communities.
今回取り上げる表現は “spasm” /spˈæzm/です。『ジーニアス英和辞典第4版』(大修館書店)では「〔感情などの〕発作;激発;〔努力などの〕突発的衝動」とあり,LDOCEでは “spasm of grief/laughter/coughing etc”で, “a sudden strong feeling or reaction that you have for a short period of time”と定義されていました。ここでは「全米で繰り返し起こる発作的な銃犯罪」のことを表しています。ちなみにspasmはギリシア語の “span”(ひっぱる)からきている表現です。(『ジーニアス英和大辞典』)(Inaho)