常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。

High Times Magazine

入団会見のためにテキサス入りしたDarvishはヘンなことでも注目を集めました。大麻のシンボルであるI will surviveと書いたTシャツを着ていたからです。ここにあるHigh Times Magazineはなんと世界唯一の大麻専門誌です。high timesは当然、そういうtripをした状態を指すことばです。こんなことでもなければブログにはあげませんが、せっかくの機会なのでチェックしてください。そういえば、ご指名質問にもまだお答えしていませんでした。この後、早速、回答します。(GP)
It didn't take long for Yu Darvish to experience his first lost in translation moment. Fresh off a long flight from Japan, the newest Texas Rangers pitcher raised more than a few eyebrows in Dallas-Forth Worth on Friday by wearing a t-shirt with a symbol more closely associated with High Times magazine than Major League Baseball.
That's not exactly the type of thing that the Rangers want to see from a guy they just committed $111 million to, so what gives with the hazy decision? Was the newly-divorced Darvish announcing his intentions to, uh, broaden his horizons? Attempting to make new friends with Tim Lincecum? Playing a pretty good joke on the straight-laced Nolan Ryan?
None of the above, said the 25-year-old righthander, who was quickly asked about the t-shirt at his introductory press conference at Rangers Ballpark. According to several reporters on the scene, Darvish just said he likes to wear shirts with English writing and that he had no idea it signaled an interest in something more.