bear the brunt of 復習
Alcohol is responsible for more than 5% of all deaths worldwide, or around 3 million a year, new figures have revealed.
The data, part of a report from the World Health Organization, shows that about 2.3 million of those deaths in 2016 were of men, and that almost 29% of all alcohol-caused deaths were down to injuries – including traffic accidents and suicide.
The report, which comes out every four years, reveals the continued impact of alcohol on public health around the world, and highlights that the young bear the brunt: 13.5% of deaths among people in their 20s are linked to booze, with alcohol responsible for 7.2% of premature deaths overall.
本日取り上げる表現は、”bear the brunt of”です。
まず、『ウィズダム英和辞典』で”brunt”/ brˈʌnt /の意味を調べてみると、「(攻撃・批判の)矛先」との記載がありました。そして、その直後に成句として”bear the brunt of”が載っていたので紹介します。そこには、「〈攻撃・批判〉の矢面に立つ」と載っていました。
ちなみに同辞書によると、”take the brunt of”でも同じ意味を表すそうです。
bear brunt of 復習 - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から
bear the brunt of 復習 - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から
bear the brunt of#3 - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から
bear the brunt of #3 - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から
bear the brunt - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から