常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。

Calgary report

Dear Dr. Tanabe,

in the last report, I forgot to attach pictures of my room and tell you about the courses I’m taking

I attached the pictures to this e-mail.

Let me tell you about the courses. I’m taking three of them: Approach to Literature, Foundations of Shakespeare, and Introduction to Linguistics.

As you know, it doesn’t mean there are three classes in a week. I have these classes everyday. I’m required to take 3 to 5 courses in one semester, and I decided to choose the minimum requirement in accordance with the outcome of discussions with a staff member who works for an enrollment office and helps me.

I have ten novels as textbooks, and three of them are the works of Shakespeare: Richard Ⅲ, Twelfth Night, and The Tempest.

I started reading Richard Ⅲ, and immediately realized the difficulty of reading his works. English in his book is unfamiliar to me, and there are so many words I don't know. Of course, I looked them up, and a dictionary said they are archaic.

This is why I’m suffering from understanding the contents. However, I learned some stylish phrases from this play, such as “Dive, thoughts, down to my soul”, “Talkers are no good doers”, “this (murder) will out” and so forth.

By the way, the other two of my roommates came here three days ago. Both are Canadian. I participated in a floor party and met floormates from Australia, England, and Scotland.

Honestly, their accents, especially Australian and Scottish ones, are hard to catc. When I first talked to them, I didn’t think they were native speakers. However, it was a good opportunity to listen to various accents in CANADA. I’ll continue to talk with them.

Best regards,

What happened to your friend, what's-his-name? He gave up sending me his reports. It is a pity to know he's more interested in updating his Instagram.