Kansai Airport remains closed after flooding
Efforts are underway to tackle ongoing devastation in western Japan following Typhoon Jebi. The vicious storm left 11 people dead and more than 600 others injured. It badly damaged one of the country's key airports, and now a push is on to get it back up and running.
An expert says the wind and waves were so strong. They could have pushed the ship, causing it to drag its anchor and chain along the seabed.
seabed 復習
今回取り上げるのは、seabed /síbɛ̀d/ です。まず、LDOCEで調べると、the seabedで、“the land at the bottom of the sea” とあり、『ウィズダム英和辞典』には、「海底」と載っていました。
続いてseafloorとの違いが気になったため調べてみます。インターネットで検索をかけてみると、同じ「海底」でもseafloor は、“seafloor is the bottom of a sea or ocean; often covered with sediment” と定義されていました。(