hook 復習
Kumamoto’s 90-year-old Insta-gran earns global acclaim
Ninety-year-old Kimiko Nishimoto of Kumamoto has won worldwide adoration for her unique selfies.
Nishimoto took up photography in her 70s and now has more than 130,000 followers on Instagram. “A camera is a wonderful tool for enjoying life,” she said with a playful smile.
She takes many of her creative photos using the self-timer on a single-lens reflex camera, then edits and arranges them on a computer. She’s turned one room of the house where she lives alone into a studio.
Although she showed little skill, Nishimoto felt that looking through the viewfinder gave her a glimpse into a different world. She was hooked. “Even if I’m bedridden, I’ll keep taking pictures of the ceiling,” she said.
hook /hˈʊk/ を取り上げます。She was hookedとあり、直訳で考えると「引っ掛けられた」となりますが、ここでは写真をとることにはまる様子を表していると思いました。『ライトハウス英和辞典』(第5版 研究社)でhookの項目を確認すると、「(略式)(人)の関心を引きつける」という意味が見つかりました。
LDOCEには “to succeed in making someone interested in something or attracted to something” と定義されており、人が何かに興味を持ち始める様子が伺えます。