bridge a gap 復習
People are paying more attention to the spaces connecting the inside and outside of their houses, making use of wood decks and unfloored space. The spaces can also be utilized as “second living rooms,” where people can have lunch on a wooden deck or enjoy their hobbies on “doma,” earthen floors that traditionally just dirt but now bridge a gap between the inside and outside.
今回はbridge a gapを紹介します。簡単な単語ですが、うまく訳せません。どのような意味なのか、以下で確認します。
『ジーニアス英和辞典』第4版(大修館)には「[…の]すき間をふさぐ, 不足を補う, […の間の]ギャップを埋める[between]」とありました。
Cambridge Dictionary WEB辞書では “to connect two things to make the difference between them smaller” と定義されています。