deep-set 復習
Akita dogs melt hearts around world
Hollywood actor Richard Gere, French film star Alain Delon and Russian figure skating sensation Alina Zagitova have one thing in common: They adore Japan’s Akita dogs.
And they’re not alone. In recent years, foreign ownership of one of Japan’s most famous indigenous breeds has skyrocketed, outstripping domestic demand for the fluffy, perky-eared pooches.
Earlier this year, the trend hit the headlines when Zagitova proclaimed her love for Akitas after spotting them while training in Japan, and local officials pledged to get one to her.
Her affection for the cute canines comes as no surprise to veteran breeder Osamu Yamaguchi, 64, who has been supplying Akita dogs to foreign owners for two decades.
“My clients used to be 50 percent Japanese and 50 percent foreigners, but recently the number of overseas clients has increased,” Yamaguchi said in his garden in Takasaki, Gunma Prefecture.
They are large, around 60 to 70 centimeters tall and between 40 to 50 kilograms, with prominent ears that stand straight up, deep-set eyes and almost bear-like faces.
deep-setを取り上げます。「深いところに位置する」と解釈すると、なんとなく意味が予想できます。『ライトハウス英和辞典』(第5版 研究社)で調べると「(目が)深くくぼんだ」とありました。
LDOCEには “deep-set eyes seem to be further back into the face than most people’s” と定義されています。その他にも “deep-set/wide-set/close-set eyes” でそれぞれ “eyes whose position is deep in the face, far apart on the face, or close together on the face” と説明されており、目の位置が離れている様子や近くにある様子はwideとcloseで表現することがわかりました。
記事にあるdeep-set eyesは奥まったところに目がある様子を表しているのだろうと思いました。画像を検索してみると、全体的に黒く、なんとなく顔の表面よりも奥に目があるように見えるのがわかりました。(aqua)