blabber 復習
Donald Trump’s national security adviser, HR McMaster, said on Saturday that Russian meddling in the 2016 election is “incontrovertible” and “beyond dispute” in the wake of new US indictments. ...
The national security adviser made the remarks at the Munich Security Conference and spoke shortly after the Russian foreign minister, Sergey Lavrov, had dismissed the allegations as “just blabber”. (Skip the rest)
今回取り上げる語は、blabber / blˈæbɚ / です。
まず意味を確認します。LDOCEをみると、“to talk in a silly or annoying way for a long time” とあり、Cambridge Dictionaryには、“to talk a lot, especially in a way people find annoying or embarrassing” と定義されていました。また、『ウィズダム英和辞典』(三省堂)をみると、「(下らない事を)しゃべりまくる」とあります。
次に語源を確認します。ONLINE ETYMOLOGY DICTIONARYをみると、“mid-14c., "to speak as an infant speaks," frequentative of blabben, of echoic origin (compare Old Norse blabbra, Danish blabbre "babble," German plappern "to babble"). Meaning "to talk excessively" is from late 14c. Related: Blabbered; blabbering.” とありました。(OkaUchi)