常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

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tony fashion brand


Pricy Armani ‘uniform’ causes parental uproar at Ginza school

To the principal of a public elementary school in Tokyo's Ginza district, it seemed only fitting that his students dress in a way worthy of its upscale surroundings.
However, the new school wear from the Italian fashion house Armani, double the price of a current one, doesn't suit all the parents' budgets.
The new attire would cost more than 40,000 yen for the same set of items. If dressed in Armani head to toe, including optional school bag, vest, sweater and socks, the total cost would exceed 80,000 yen.
The parents of the new students learned the price tag only in mid-November. In a letter, Principal Toshitsugu Wada explained how he hit upon the idea to have a tony fashion brand design new clothing to express the identity of "a school in the Ginza."


 tony fashion brandを取りあげます。tony /tóʊni(米), tˈəʊni(英)/を『ジーニアス英和辞典』(第五版、大修館書店)で確認すると古い言い方ですが「かっこいい、流行の、高級の」とありました。Oxford living dictionaryでは“Fashionable among wealthy or stylish people”と定義されています。よってtony fashion brandで「高級ファッションブランド」となることがわかります。
 Online etymology dictionaryによると1920年代に流行った赤茶色からこのような使われ方をするようになったそうです。6年間の身体の成長に合わせて買い替えることを考えると制服代はかなりの負担になりそうです。(flying bird)