quay 復習
Hundreds evacuated around Paris as Seine keeps rising
The Seine continued its relentless rise on Thursday, flooding quays with muddy water and putting museums on an emergency footing as record rainfall pushed rivers over their banks across northeastern France.
The Seine is expected to reach a peak of up to 6.2 meters in the capital this Saturday on a scale used to measure its levels, four to five meters above its normal height.
The December-January period is now the third-wettest on record since data collection began in 1900, according to Meteo France.
Many regions have seen double the rainfall than normal, including Paris where 183 millimeters have been dumped since Dec. 1. More rain was forecast for Thursday.
quay /kíː/ を取り上げます。あまり単語に対するイメージがわかなかったのでさっそく調べてみると、『ライトハウス英和辞典』(第5版 研究社)には「(小さな)波止場、船着き場、岸壁」とありました。
LDOCEには “a place in a town or village where boats can be tied up or can stop to load and unload goods” と定義されています。
他にも波止場を表す単語があり、上記の英和辞典によると、wharf /(h)wˈɔɚf/ は「荷の積み降ろしのための一般の船着き場」、pier /píɚ/ は「上陸、荷揚げ用で遊歩道ともなる桟橋」、quay /kíː/ は「荷の積み降ろしのための小さな岸壁」とそれぞれ説明されています。波止場とひとくくりに言っても目的に応じて使い分けられるということを押さえておきたいです。(aqua)