one’s water breaks
Train drama as young woman gives birth at station in Chiba
Help was at hand, literally, when an expectant mother's water broke, and the woman sitting next to her, a former assistant nurse, helped deliver her baby while the pair were on a train from central Tokyo to Ibaraki Prefecture.
"I've never heard of a woman delivering a baby on a train before,” said a surprised official of train operator East Japan Railway Co. (JR East).
According to JR East, the child, a girl, was born around 1:40 p.m. on Jan. 19 while a 15-car special rapid train of the Joban Line was headed for Tsuchiura Station in Ibaraki Prefecture. It had departed from Shinagawa Station in Tokyo.
one’s water breaksを取り上げます。もうすぐ子どもが生まれるという文脈から、「破水する」という意味であると思いました。『ライトハウス英和辞典』(第5版 研究社)で調べると、 “…’s water breaks” で「(妊婦が)破水する」とありました。イギリス英語では “…’s waters break” という形になるようです。
LDOCEには “somebody’s waters break” の形で “when a pregnant woman’s waters break, liquid comes from her body just before her baby is born” と定義されています。