animosity 復習
N. Korean orchestra, maybe joint hockey team at Olympics
SEOUL--North Korea's delegation to the Winter Olympics in South Korea will include a 140-member art troupe, the two sides agreed Monday, while discussions continue over fielding a joint women's hockey team.
North Korea last week agreed to send an Olympic delegation and hold military talks aimed at reducing frontline animosities in its first formal talks with South Korea in about two years. The North has said its delegation to the Feb. 9-25 Games in Pyeongchang would include the art troupe along with officials, athletes, cheerleaders, journalists and a taekwondo demonstration team.
“animosity” /ænəmάsəṭi/ を取り上げます。『ウィズダム英和辞典』を引いたところ、「≪…に対する/…間の≫(激しい)敵意、(強い)憎しみ;反日≪toward, against / between≫」とありました。また、LDOCEでは“strong dislike or hatred”と定義されています。似たような意味を持つ単語として他に“hostility”や“antipathy”などがあります。英語の定義を見てみると、“animosity”はそれらより少し意味的に強いのではないかと思います。また、“antipathy”は定義に「(生理的)嫌悪」ともあるので、少し憎しみの種類が異なるかもしれません。(Blue Sky)