Justin Bieber exhibit to open at museum in hometown
STRATFORD, Canada (AP) — Mementos from Justin Bieber’s formative years as an aspiring singer will go on display next month at a museum in his Canadian hometown of Stratford, Ontario.
“Steps to Stardom” opens at the Stratford Perth Museum on Feb. 18. The title is a reference to the young singer’s busking shows on the steps outside the local Avon Theatre.
The exhibit was put together by the museum’s curators in cooperation with Bieber’s grandparents, Diane and Bruce Dale, who gave them access to an extensive trove of items from the 23-year-old’s childhood and career.
Among the pieces set for display are Bieber’s Grammy Award, microphones, a hockey bag and personal letters including one from Michelle Obama.
Seeing Bieber’s childhood stomping grounds has been a highlight for many visitors to the small city for years.
取り上げる単語は"busk" /bˈʌsk/ です。『ジーニアス英和辞典』第4版(大修館)で調べてみると、「大道芸をする(で稼ぐ)」とあり、先生によると米語だそうです。"busker"で「大道芸人」となります。LDOCEでは、"to play music in a public place in order to earn money"と定義されています。今回の展示のタイトルは"Steps to Stardom"で、これは、ジャスティンビーバーがまだデビューをする前に、地元の劇場の前で路上パフォーマンスをしていた当時の状況から考えられたタイトルです。(Akim)