overshoot 復習
Full inquiry into false missile alert to be launched
The U.S. Federal Communications Commission said on Saturday it was launching a full investigation into a false emergency alert that said a ballistic missile was headed for Hawaii, the chairman of the commission said.
The FCC has jurisdiction over the emergency alert system. Earlier this week, FCC Chairman Ajit Pai said the FCC would vote at its January meeting to enhance the effectiveness of wireless emergency alerts, which have been in place since 2012.
Pai posted on Twitter that the FCC was launching a full investigation and FCC Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel said the commission must find out what went wrong.
Pai is proposing that providers “deliver these alerts to match the geographic area specified by the officials sending the alert with no more overshoot than one-tenth of a mile,” he said in a statement earlier this week.
overshoot /ˈovəɻshut/ を取り上げます。〜を撃つという意味をもつshootにoverがつくことで、なんとなく行き過ぎてしまう様子を表していることがわかります。『ライトハウス英和辞典』(第5版 研究社)で調べると、他動詞では「1(目標地点)を行き過ぎる、(飛行機が)(滑走路)を行き過ぎる 2(予定額など)を超過する」自動詞では「走りすぎる、度を越す;(予算額が)限度を超える」とありました。ここでは目標とする地点を過ぎているという意味で用いられています。
LDOCEには “to accidentally go a little further than you intended” や “to spend more money than you had intended” と定義されています。
overshoot - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から
overshoot #2 - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から
overshooting - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から
overshoot - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から