punitive 復習
JSA forces out Takanohana as director over beating incident
The Japan Sumo Association on Jan. 4 formally demoted stablemaster Takanohana as an association director for his failure to report and to cooperate with its investigation into the beating of one of his wrestlers in late October.
She cited his failure to report the beating incident as well as not cooperating with the risk management committee.
The action could have only a short punitive effect, however, because the disciplinary measure does not prevent Takanohana from running for one of the director's seats in a JSA election scheduled in February. He will also be allowed to continue coaching his stable's wrestlers.
“punitive”/pjúːnəṭɪv/を取り上げます。『ウィズダム英和辞典』を引いたところ、「刑罰[懲罰]の(ための)〈方法など〉」とありました。同辞書には使用例として、“punitive damages”「懲罰的損害賠償(金)」が挙げられています。この表現は法律用語です。また、かくにんのためにLDOCEも引いたところ“intended to punish someone”と定義されていました。ちなみに、この単語の語源はラテン語の“pūnīre”です。これは、“punish”の語源でもあります。“pen”や“pun”という語のパーツには、「罰する」という意味があるそうです。(Blue Sky)