spook 復習
Kitten rescued by police from busy Auckland motorway
According to the Auckland City District Police, a motorist had reported that a "small orange and white ball of fluff" was "trying to cause accidents" on the South-Western motorway.
Police found the kitten huddled against the concrete barrier of the motorway.
She was named Maioro after the off-ramp from which she was rescued.
According to a police statement posted on Facebook, Maioro did not make the rescue mission an easy one.
"She was spooked by [an] approaching officer and quickly bolted across three lanes of live traffic, narrowly avoiding the worst," said police.
"Now trapped on a small central strip she required the motorway to be temporarily blocked."
取り上げる単語は"spook" です。『ジーニアス英和辞典』第4版(大修館)で調べてみると、名詞で「幽霊、おばけ、精霊、スパイ、黒んぼ」と、動詞では「…を驚かす、…をおびえさせる、おびえる」とありました。ここでは動詞で使われており、救助に来た警察たちに対して「怯えていた」様子が分かります。LDOCEでは、"to frighten someone"と定義されています。(Akim)
cf. 形容詞 spookyも忘れないように。(UG)