常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

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overindulge 復習


Christmas is traditionally a time for family and overindulging on mince pies, yet there has also been a surge in the popularity of festive swims.

Thousands of people take the plunge at beaches all over Wales, with equal numbers gathering to watch the spectacle of fancy-dressed swimmers charging towards the water.

The swim has been a part of Tenby's Christmas celebrations for almost 50 years, but the origins of its parent organisation, the Tenby Sea Swim Association (TSSA), dates back over 100 years.Arthur Dickinson, a Quaker, lay preacher and artist brought his family to Tenby from Yorkshire in 1910.

After some children drowned off one of Tenby's beaches, he vowed to give swimming lessons, and the harness he made to support people in the water is in the town's museum.

His son-in-law, Ossie Morgan, carried on the family tradition of teaching children to swim, and when he retired his children formed the TSSA.

The opening of the town's first indoor swimming pool could have spelled the end for the organisation, but it started a new lease of life in 1970 when its publicity officer, John Evans, came up with the idea of a Boxing Day swim.

TSSA chairman Chris Osborne said: "It's quite astonishing the Christmas event I remember my family getting together to organise when I was a youngster, has snowballed into a top seasonal event for the whole of Wales, as well as a substantial charity fundraiser.

"Whatever the weather, there's a very special atmosphere - anticipation, camaraderie, festive cheer and with a lot of old friendships making their annual renewal."


 “overindulging” / òʊvɚɪndˈʌldʒ/を取り上げます。overとindulgingが合体したことばだと推測し、『ジーニアス英和大辞典』第5版(大修館)をみると、「〈人〉にしたい放題にさせる.〔…を〕食べ[飲み]すぎる〔in〕」とあります。またLDOCEでは”to eat or drink too much”と定義されており、例文にも”It’s hard not to overindulge at Christmas”とあります。つまり、「暴飲暴食をする」ということで、この時期に頻繁に用いられる単語です。
 イギリス人はクリスマスにmince pieを食べるそうですが、私たち日本人もお正月は気を抜かずにお餅をoverindulgeしないよう気を付けたいですね。(Momo)

overindulgence - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から