常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。


 Fans are, as expected, already buzzing about Star Wars: The Last Jedi and some of the shocking twists and turns writer-director Rian Johnson included in the movie. Arguably the most controversial point was the reveal that Rey’s parents were nobodies. …
 They just spent the last two years playing a guessing game and Johnson went down the road no one expected by saying Rey’s parents were nobodies. While it’s entirely possible that J.J. Abrams could ret-con this in Episode 9 and say that Kylo was lying, Rey’s memories were false, and that she’s actually the descendant of a popular character, Johnson has the richer story because of what it means for Rey and her future. (Skip the rest)


 今回取り上げる語は、ret-con です。
 紙辞書・電子辞書ともにこの記載がなかったので、インターネットで調べると、URBAN DICTIONARY に “shortened form of RETroactive CONtinuity; first made popular in the comic book world” とあり、この表現が “retroactive continuity” の略語だとわかります。
 また同様に意味を確認すると、”(1)Adding information to the back story of a fictional character or world, without invalidating that which had gone before. (2)Adding or altering information regarding the back story of a fictional character or world, regardless of whether the change contradicts what was said before.” とあります。ここから、映画などでよくある「この登場人物、実は生きてたのか」ということを表す表現であることがわかります。英辞郎 on the web で確認すると、「(物語で) 〜についての過去を新たに設定する」と日本語の意味が表されていました。(OkaUchi)