veg out
Vegging out: why eating Okinawa-style is the healthy option
Okinawa in Japan is fabled for its residents’ longevity. A fact attributed to a diet of ‘major on vegetables, minor on meat’. Now the island’s restaurants are making it available to visitors, too. (Skip the rest)
今回取り上げる表現は、veg out です。
LDOCEをみると、veg out の “veg” は vegetables の略形で、 意味は “to be very lazy and spend time doing very little” と定義されています。『ジーニアス英和大辞典』(大修館)をみると、「のんべんだらりと過ごす」とありました。ちなみに、veg だけでも「ばか、ぼけ」の意味があると同書にあります。さらに、Urban Dictionary をみると、 “Deriving from a "vegetative" state often used in the medical field, it is a state of total physical apathy, usually on a couch or bed with music or in front of a TV; influence of drugs aids but is not essential to the meaning of the term. ...”とあることも理解を助けます。(OkaUchi)