常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。

quadruple 復習


It is 50 years since writer Colin Thubron published his portrait of Damascus, in which he recounted his travels around the Syrian capitaland explored the history of the city. A lot has happened since then - not least the civil war. Recently Thubronreturned to Syria to see what was left of the place he recalled so fondly.

The city that comes into view is of course bigger than I remember - its population must have quadrupled. Since I was here its suburbs have swamped the Old City that I loved, and even inside its walls a rash of restaurants and boutique hotels has appeared.

But they're all closed now, or empty. It's a city at war. Whole streets are fenced off by tank blocks and razor wire. Less than a mile away from my empty hotel I can see burnt-out tenements still in rebel hands.

This is perhaps the oldest continuously inhabited city on earth. In the Muslim world it had grown open and tolerant. A quarter of its people belong to Christian and otherminorities, including Alawites, a sub-sect of the Shia, who dominate the government and army. However reluctantly, the Damascenes cling to the regime of Bashar al-Assad. The Islamist alternative, just outside the walls, might be fatal to them.


 “quadruple” /kwɑːˈdruː.pəl/ を取り上げます。『ジーニアス英和辞典第5版』(大修館) によると、「四倍に増える、四重に増やす」といった意味があるといえます。次に 英英辞典をみると、“to become four times as big, or to multiply a number or amount by four” と定義されていて四倍の大きさに大きく膨れ上がる様を指していることが見てとれます。
 “quadruple” はもともとラテン語で「四つの意味をもつ」といったニュアンスを含む “quad” と「複数の」というニュアンスのある “plu” が結び付いて成り立ったと言われています。またイタリア語にも “quad” からできた語が存在します。みなさんも多分、一度は聞いたことのある 「4種の」という意味がある“quattro” や「四重奏の」といった意義のある “quartet” も実は “quad” から派生した語なのです。