propagate 復習
Over 500 fire ants found in Yokohama
TOKYO (Jiji Press) —The Environment Ministry said Friday that it has found over 500 adult fire ants, an invasive alien species, at the Honmoku Pier in the Port of Yokohama in Kanagawa Prefecture.
The fire ants were highly likely to have propagated themselves there since many larvae were also found, according to the ministry. There was no queen ant. All ants there were killed with pesticide.
“propagate”を取り上げます。『ウィズダム英和辞典』には、「〈動植物など〉を繁殖[増殖]させる;〚~ oneself〛繁殖する」と載っています。今回の記事では“~ oneself”の形で用いられており、ヒアリが繁殖していることを表現しています。確認のためにLDOCEも引いたところ、“if an animal , insect, etc propagates itself or is propagate, it increases in number”と定義されていました。ちなみに、動植物が「増殖、繁殖する」という意味以外に、「〈思想・情報など〉を広める」という語義もあります(『ウィズダム英和辞典』)。
(Blue Sky)
propagate - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から
cf. reproduce