Yamato mulls working with rivals amid driver shortage
Parcel delivery giant Yamato Transport Co. is considering encouraging its rivals to collaborate with it on highway transport as a means of overcoming a serious shortage of drivers, it has been learned.
Under the collaborative system, a heavy truck would pull another company’s trailer behind its own on expressways, making it possible for one driver to carry two truckloads of parcels. After leaving the highway, each company would then deliver their parcels with their own trucks. The tests will use articulated trucks up to 21 meters long, as per the current regulations. At the same time, the Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Ministry — which supports measures to eliminate the driver shortage — plans to lift a ban on the use of 25-meter-long articulated trucks. The industry is also eyeing their utilization in the collaborative system in the future.
truckload /trʌ́klòʊd/ を取り上げます。truck(トラック)とload(積荷)が組み合わさってできた語(blended)であることがわかります。『ライトハウス英和辞典』(第5版 研究社)で調べると「トラック1台分(の荷)」とありました。LDOCEには “the amount that fills a truck” と定義されています。
記事の “making it possible for one driver to carry two truckloads of parcels” という部分から、ドライバー1人につきトラック2台分の荷物を運ぶことを目指していることが伺えます。年内にも東名高速道路などで導入に向けた実証実験を行うとのことです。過去にブログではpickup truckという表現が取り上げられていました。(aqua)