malaise #2
記事の中で気になった表現は"malaise"です。『Wisdom英和辞典第三版』(三省堂)を調べると「(集団・社会の) 不調, 沈滞, 不快(感), 不安(感)」などという意味がありました。ベネズエラのマドゥロ大統領の独裁政治に反対することが犯行動機であると首謀者から声明が出されております。(Ume)
Venezuela crisis: Helicopter launches attack on Supreme Court
It is generally an exercise in futility trying to predict if some new twist in Venezuela's long-running crisis is a "turning point" for the country.
There have been scores of seemingly decisive moments over the past few months - from the initial decision to strong-arm the national assembly, to the latest death of a teenage protester in Caracas - that quickly faded into the general malaise afflicting the oil-rich nation.
However, the sight of an apparently disaffected member of the security forces dropping grenades on the Supreme Court and allegedly firing on government buildings is extreme, even by Venezuela's standards.
malaise - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から