play up 復習
The art, and fallout, of the Japanese political gaffe
Imamura’s remark was not a gaffe by Western standards and unlikely to dominate headlines in Europe as it did in Japan, said Igor Prusa, a Czech scholar at the University of Tokyo whose doctoral thesis was on scandals and media in postwar Japan.
“Everybody knows that what he meant was if the same magnitude had hit Tokyo, it would’ve been a much worse disaster,” Prusa said.
But Imamura, having only weeks before come under fire for yelling at a freelance journalist at a news conference, was under close scrutiny by the media, which then “emphasized and amplified” his Tohoku reference and played up its newsworthiness, Prusa said.
play upという表現を取り上げます。Oxford Dictionary of English(Second Edition Reserved, Oxford University Press)によると、 “to cause sb problems or pain”と “to try to make sth seem more important than it is”と定義されております。『ジーニアス英和辞典』(第五版,大修館)で調べたところ、「しっかりやれ」、「いたずらをする」、「を怒らせる,苦しめる,に迷惑をかける」や「…を重視する,目立たせる,かきたてる」など多数の意味が乗っておりました。