前FBI長官であるRobert Mueller氏が,トランプ大統領とロシアの関係を調査していることが明らかになりました。一連の調査に対してトランプ大統領は,米国史上の中で最大の魔女狩りであるとツイッターで非難しました。
記事の中で気になった単語は"ramrod"です。『Wisdom英和辞典第三版』(三省堂)によると「込め矢, 槊杖(さくじょう) ⦅火薬を入れたり銃口を掃除する際に用いる⦆, 厳格な人[上司, 教師] 」などという意味がありました。Robert Mueller氏は非常に厳格な性格と評判のようです。(Ume)
Trump Russia inquiry: Former FBI boss to lead probe
The FBI and Congress are looking into potential links between Mr Trump's campaign team and Russia. Mr Mueller will take over the FBI investigation.
US intelligence agencies believe Moscow tried to tip the election in favour of Mr Trump.
Mueller 'is ramrod straight in integrity'
How powerful is the special counsel?
Markets fall as Trump turmoil grows
Meanwhile the New York Times reports that Trump aide Michael Flynn had told his transition team in early January - earlier than was previously thought - that he was under investigation for working as a paid lobbyist for Turkey during the election campaign.
Mr Trump appointed Mr Flynn as his national security adviser weeks later despite the warning, but he was sacked after just 24 days.