ill-fated #2
Bone found at Sewol ferry sinking site identified as missing teacher's
SEOUL (Kyodo) -- A bone fragment found at the site where the ill-fated Sewol ferry capsized was confirmed by DNA testing to be that of a teacher who was among the nine people still missing from the 2014 disaster, officials said Wednesday.
It was the first time for a victim found after the 6,825-ton ferry was raised in March to be identified through DNA testing of partial remains.
Merriam-Websterでは“having or destined to a hapless fate”と定義されており、“the ill-fated Sewol ferry”で「不運な事故に遭ったセウォウル号」となるかと思いました。
『ジーニアス英和辞典』(第五版、大修館書店)では例文で“a fated city”で「(運が尽きて)滅びようとしている都市」とありました。
9人の行方不明者のうち身元が確認されたのは今回が初めてで、他にも引き上げられた船体から見つかった遺骨の確認も進めているそうです。(flying bird)