dish 復習
Cast of live-action 'Beauty and the Beast' dishes on the making of the 'feminist' fairy tale
The cast of the upcoming live-action "Beauty and the Beast" praised the remake of the classic animated fairy tale as "feminist" in an interview with ABC News' Juju Chang that aired in part today on "Good Morning America."
"I can't believe I'm getting to live out my, one of my childhood fantasies," Emma Watson said of playing the role of Belle, adding that she "felt pressure to live up to" the character on screen.
Emma Thompson, who brings to life the beloved character of Mrs. Potts, also called Belle "a good feminist."
"'Beauty and the Beast' is one of the only fairy tales with a really decent heroine who gets to do things," Thompson said.
LDOCEでは“to give a lot of information about something or someone, especially something that would usually be secret or private”と定義されています。また、他動詞では「出し抜く」といった意味があります。
他にも句動詞で“dish it out”で「ぼろくそに言う、こっぴどくしかる、こらしめる」、“dish out”で「(情報、物など)ばらまく」などの表現が記載されていました。
『ブルーワー英語故事成語大辞典』(大修館書店)の“I was dished out of it”「いっぱい食わされた」の解説によると、「完全にやられた」を“be dished”と表現でき、“be done for”にも言い換えることができるそうです。