cast aside
'Malignant narcissism': Donald Trump displays classic traits of mental illness, claim psychologists
Until recently, psychologists weren't allowed to assess public figures and talk to journalists about their findings. But this rule is now being cast aside and mental health experts are speaking out about Trump.
In a bid to warn the public, psychologists are publishing their diagnoses of Trump. Most recently, John D. Gartner said Trump “is dangerously mentally ill and temperamentally incapable of being president.”
He believes Trump shows signs of “malignant narcissism,” which is defined as a mix of narcissism, antisocial personality disorder, aggression and sadism in Campbells’ Psychiatric Dictionary.
Narcissism is in fact one of the most common diagnoses of Trump from psychologists: “Narcissism impairs his ability to see reality so you can't use logic to persuade someone like that,” clinical psychologist Dr. Julie Futrell told NY Daily News.
気になった表現は“cast aside”です。
『ジーニアス英和辞典』(第五版、大修館書店)で“cast”をひくと「を投げる、ほうる」とあり、“cast aside”で「かなぐり捨てる、(不安などを)振り払う」となることがわかりました。
Merriam-Websterでは“to stop thinking about (something)”と定義されていることから文中の“this rule is now being cast aside”は「トランプ氏の症状について口封じをされていたことを無視」して、公表をはじめたことになります。
“Malignant narcissism”は日本語で「悪性自己愛」となり、「誇大性を示し、常に敵意の程度を上昇させる用意がある」という、まさにトランプ氏の今までの発言などにみられる症状があるそうです。(flyingbird)