chariot 復習
Jewel of state guest house, Akasaka Palace, open to public
The most resplendent room in the state guest house, Akasaka Palace in Tokyo, is open to the public until Feb. 14.
The building is designated a national treasure by the government. The room is called Asahi-no-Ma (Room of morning sun).
A handwoven carpet depicting cherry blossom petals and called “dantsu,” normally used to entertain foreign dignitaries, has been laid on the floor for visitors to enjoy.
The central feature of the ceiling is a painted image of a goddess driving a chariot with the rising sun behind her.
After the room is closed to the public, it will undergo two years of renovations.
今回はchariot /ˈtʃæriət/ を取り上げます。『ライトハウス英和辞典』(第5版 研究社)で調べると「(古代の)戦車(2輪馬車)」という意味が見つかりました。LDOCEには “a vehicle with two wheels pulled by a horse, used in ancient times in battles and races” と定義されております。
語源をOnline Etymology Dictionaryで調べると “mid-14c., from Old French charriot "wagon" (13c.)” とあり、フランス語からきていることが分かりました。画像を検索してみると、1人乗りの二輪馬車で、最大でも2人ほどしか乗れない小さなものであることがわかりました。