常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

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sleuth 復習


Discovery shows how Mishima adopted pen name at just 16

A literary sleuth has finally solved the mystery of how Yukio Mishima adopted his pen name.

The discovery was made in a handwritten version of what appears to be an original draft of Mishima's first literary work when he was just 16.

The cover has two lines drawn through Kimitake Hiraoka, the name Mishima was born with, and "Yukio Mishima" written alongside.

Hideaki Sato, a professor of Japanese literature at Kindai University who has devoted his career to studying Mishima's works, called the discovery "a valuable draft that can be considered the birth of 'Yukio Mishima' as a writer."

The draft was found in Kumamoto and is for a 56-page work titled "Hana Zakari no Mori" (The forest in full bloom).

It had been in the possession of Shoichi Hasuda, the eldest son of Zenmei Hasuda (1904-1945), a scholar of Japanese literature who was born in Kumamoto city.

"Hana Zakari no Mori" was published in 1941 in the literary journal Bungei Bunka that was edited by Hasuda and Fumio Shimizu, who was also from Kumamoto Prefecture and then a teacher at the Gakushuin Junior High School where Mishima was a student when he wrote the work.

Even though Mishima was only 16 at the time, the lyrical piece about the protagonist's feelings toward his ancestors already showed signs of the literary giant that Mishima would become.




LDOCEでは、“someone who tries to find out information about a crime”と定義されていました。

「goo辞書」によると、今回の表現は“sleuthhound”という単語の短縮形であるようです。『ウィズダム英和辞典』には“sleuthhound”で「警察犬」という意味になると載っていました。(Blue Sky)