excoriate #2
Michelle Obama excoriates Trump over sexual assault
MANCHESTER, N.H. (AP) — Michelle Obama said Thursday that Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s boast on a 2005 tape about his fame allowing him to “do anything to women” shook her to the core.
Speaking at a campaign rally in New Hampshire for Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, Mrs. Obama called the comments “shocking and demeaning.” She also dismissed Trump’s claim that the remarks were simply “locker room talk,” saying they were an affront to every woman, parent and citizen in the United States.
今回取り上げるのは、“excoriate” /ekskˈɔːrièɪt/という表現です。この単語をLDOCEで調べてみると、“to express a very bad opinion of a book, play etc”と定義されていました。さらに『ジーニアス英和辞典』には、「〜の皮をはぐ、皮膚をすりむく」や「〜を激しく非難する」と記載されており、この記事では後者の意味で用いられていると分かりました。