Goldilocks zone
One Star Over, a Planet That Might Be Another Earth
Another Earth could be circling the star right next door to us. Astronomers announced on Wednesday that they had detected a planet orbiting Proxima Centauri, the closest neighbor to our solar system.
Intriguingly, the planet is in the star’s “Goldilocks zone,” where it may be neither too hot nor too cold. That means liquid water could exist at the surface, raising the possibility for life.
Although observations in recent years, particularly by NASA’s Kepler planet-finding mission, have uncovered a bounty of Earth-size worlds throughout the galaxy, this one holds particular promise because it might someday, decades from now, be possible to reach. It’s 4.2 light-years, or 25 trillion miles, away from Earth, which is extremely close in cosmic terms.
One astronomer likened it to a flashing neon sign. “I’m the nearest star, and I have a potentially habitable planet!” said R. Paul Butler, an astronomer at the Carnegie Institution for Science and a member of the team that made the discovery.
Guillem Anglada-Escudé, an astronomer at Queen Mary University of London and the leader of the team that made the discovery reported in the journal Nature, said, “We know there are terrestrial planets around many stars, and we kind of expected the nearby stars would contain terrestrial planets. This is not exciting because of this. The excitement is because it is the nearest one.”
取り上げる表現は"Goldilocks zone"です。
そこで、英辞郎on the WEBで調べてみると、Goldilocks planet"で「生物が生息可能な大きさ、環境、位置などの条件を満たす地球のような惑星」とあり、またその語源は童話"Goldilocks and the Three Bears"から来ているとのことです。「ゴルディロックス」とは、物語に出てくる主人公の金髪の女の子のことですが、邦題では「三匹のクマ」なのでゴルディロックスという名前はあまり馴染みがありません。
この物語は、主人公の女の子ゴルディロックスが留守中の三匹のクマの家に迷い込み、お父さんクマのスープは"too hot"、お母さんクマのスープは"too cold"、子グマのスープは"just right"と言って飲み干してしまい、以下同様に子グマのイスを勝手に使い、ベッドで寝てしまうというお話である。
しばしば「ゴルディロックス経済」"Goldilocks economy"という経済用語が使われます。
ここでは、"Goldilocks zone"なので「生息可能な環境に適した地帯」となります。(Akim)