never-say-die mentality
Harasawa coming to grips with Rio
The Japan men’s judo team has a mission for Rio — to wipe away the memory of the 2012 London Games, the worst humiliation it ever experienced. And the judoka who aims to make the biggest push to restore Japan’s pride is a man who has long been unknown.
“More than anything, he had good eyes, which conveyed his never-say-die mentality even when he was on the brink of a loss,” Konno said.
今回取り上げるのは、“never-say-die mentality”という表現です。まず“never say die”をLDOCEで調べてみると、“used to encourage someone not to give up”と定義されていました。意気地のない人を励ます言葉で“Never give up”がありますが、今回の“Never say die”も同じ場面でよく用いられ、「くじけるな、元気を出せ」を意味します(『ジーニアス英和辞典』大修館書店)。したがって、この記事の“never-say-die mentality”は「不屈の精神力」などと表せます。(ninetails)