inner workings 復習
Wasserman Schultz to Step Down as Democratic National Committee Chair
On the eve of the 2016 Democratic National Convention, Debbie Wasserman Schultz announced she would resign as Democratic National Committee chair at the end of the convention.
In a statement laying out the goals of this election cycle she wrote: "The best way for me to accomplish those goals is to step down as Party Chair at the end of this convention. As Party Chair, this week I will open and close the Convention and I will address our delegates about the stakes involved in this election not only for Democrats, but for all Americans."
Her announcement comes amid the release of internal DNC emails by Wikileaks that appear to show the inner workings of the Democratic Party and what seems to be party officials attempting to aid the Hillary Clinton campaign during the primaries.
Several of the emails released indicated that the officials, including Wasserman Schultz, grew increasingly agitated with Clinton's rival, Bernie Sanders, and his campaign as the primary season advanced, in one instance even floating bringing up Sanders' religion to try and minimize his support.
今回取り上げるのはinner workingsです。
告発サイト、ウィキリークスが公開したメールの内容は党全国委員会党幹部たちが、サンダース氏が選挙で不利になるように仕掛けようとしていたとみられるものでした。本来なら、ヒラリー氏とサンダース氏の両者に対して平等な立場でなければなりません。このことから、“inner workings”は「民主党内部の不信な動き」を表しているように思われます。
また、先輩方の過去の記事で“inner circle”で「組織・集団内の支配的グループ」という意味があることが分かりました。(flyingbird)
a member of his inner circle - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から