a safe pair of hands
A conventional choice
Trump's selection of Pence -- who is seen as a safe pair of hands in Washington -- was one of the most conventional steps the billionaire has taken in an unorthodox campaign.
But his pick lost much of the political impact that campaigns normally try to build around a vice presidential selection due to a disorganized and leak-prone process. It revealed a candidate second-guessing himself over his decision and a campaign that doesn't seem ready for prime-time.
今回取り上げる表現は,“a safe pair of hands”です。直訳すると,「安全な両手」となりますが,どのような意味でしょうか。Merriam-Websterを見てみると,“someone who can be trusted with responsibility or a job”と記載されていました。さらに,『ジーニアス英和辞典』(大修館書店)を確認すると,「頼りになる人,手堅い人」と載っていました。
なぜ,このような意味になったのか,疑問に思い,調べてみました。The Phrase Finderによると,“UK origin. Applied to politicians or diplomats who were given sensitive work that required careful handling.”とあり,英国が起源で,政治家や外交官に関係していることが分かります。また,関連した表現に,“another [an extra] pair of hands”で「手助けする,助っ人」があります。 (Nao)