hit the store shelves 復習
New Pokemon video games to hit store shelves in November
"Pokemon Sun" and "Pokemon Moon," the latest in the long-running “Pocket Monsters” video game series, will be released worldwide from Nov. 18, distributor Nintendo Co. announced.
In placing further emphasis on overseas markets with growth potential, the new titles will be available in Chinese for the first time, although the release date in China has yet to be determined.
With the new addition, the Pokemon video game series will be available in eight languages including English and French.
On June 14, Nintendo streamed a demo video for “Sun/Moon” from the venue of E3, a trade fair for video games held annually in Los Angeles.
“This time around, we have received responses from Chinese speakers. We are glad that everyone is happy,” said a member of the development team.
今回注目した表現は、見出しにある“hit store shelves”です。『ウィズダム英和辞典』(第3版、三省堂)を引いたところ、“hit the streets[shops, stores]”で、「店頭に出回る」という意味であると載っていました。今回の記事では少し違う形で使われていますが、同じ意味で使われていると考えます。
Oxford Learner’s Dictionaries.comでは、“to become widely available for sale”と定義されていました。
The product is likely to hit the market by the end of this month.
が示されていました(『ウィズダム英和辞典』)。この意味から、今回取り上げた“hit store shelves”という表現が生まれたのではないかと思います。
今回取り上げた表現は以前にも取り上げられており、コメント欄では“hit”の解説もされています。ぜひご覧ください。(Blue Sky)