gluttony ceiling
At Nathan’s Hot Dog Contest, 15 Women Challenge the Gluttony Ceiling
The contestants rolled up their sleeves and took to their plates of hot dogs on the stage, lining up their cups of water in a strategic array, as thousands of perspired onlookers watched with anticipation.
As the countdown ended, the reigning champion burst into action, hot dogs disappearing faster than the eye wanted to see, with only a pause given for a wipe of the mouth, or an occasional flip of her blond hair from her face.
“This is back and forth, neck and neck, dog for dog,” said George Shea, the longtime M.C. of the Nathan’s Famous Hot Dog Eating Contest, gesturing to the two leading eaters. “Both with ponytails, I love it.”
今回取り上げる表現は,“gluttony ceiling”です。“glutton”は,「大食家,暴食家」という意味ですが,“gluttony”になると,どのような意味になるのか調べてみました。Merriam-Websterを見てみると,“the act or habit of eating or drinking too much”とあり,『ジーニアス英和辞典』(大修館書店)には,「大食い(暴飲暴食)の習慣」と記載されていました。
また,“ceiling”は,「天井」ではなく,異なる意味で用いられています。ここでは,「限界」として使われています。これらを踏まえると,“gluttony ceiling”で,「大食いの限界」ということでしょうか。(Nao)