常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

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inside-the-park home run


Guinness recognizes Ichiro as global hit king

Japanese baseball legend Ichiro Suzuki was recognized on Friday by Guinness World Records for having the most base hits in professional baseball.

The 42-year-old Miami Marlins outfielder earned another achievement in baseball history last week, surpassing Pete Rose's Major League Baseball record of 4,256.

Ichiro first racked up 1,278 hits in Japanese professional baseball, then he made the move to the US MLB.

Ichiro now hold seven Guinness World Records, including most hits in a season, and first inside-the-park home run in All Star history.


今回取り上げるのは、“inside-the-park home run”という表現です。まず“park”をLDOCEで調べてみると、“the field where a game of baseball is played”とあり、ここでは「公園」ではなく「野球場」という意味で使われています。このことを踏まえて『ジーニアス英和辞典』(大修館書店)で今回の表現を確認すると、「(野球)ランニングホームラン」を表していると分かりました。(ninetails)