常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。


神田外語大学大学院(東京キャンパス)MA TESOL Programでは、アリゾナ州立大学のAya Matsuda先生とPaul Kei Matsuda先生をお招きして、7月2日(土)に2つの講演会を開催いたします。多数の方のご参加をお待ちしております。<講演1>

講師: Prof. Aya Matsuda, Arizona State University
題目: Demystifying the Principles and Practices of Teaching English as

   an International Language (EIL)

日時: 7月2日(土)14:00 ~ 15:30
場所: 神田外語学院3号館 7階 Azul
アクセス: http://www.kandagaigo.ac.jp/kifl/access/
参加費: 無料


In the past decade or so, a number of scholars have argued for a paradigm shift in English language teaching (ELT) in order to meet the dynamic, diverse, and complicated needs of users of EIL today. Programs of ELT conferences and trends in teacher-oriented publications in recent years also suggest that there’s a growing awareness and interest among teachers as well. However, there seems to be some misconceptions, misunderstandings, and confusions about the proposed frameworks of teaching EIL that not only frustrate teachers and program administrators but also discourage them from implementing EIL pedagogy. This is unfortunate because the lack of “theory-practice” articulation is letting the opportunity for a paradigm shift pass, in spite of the interests of both those who are proposing the frameworks and those who can implement them. The goal of this talk is to engage in the much-needed “theory-practice” articulation by clarifying confusions and opening up the channel of communication for the further exchange of insights. After a brief summary of the limitations of traditional approaches to English language teaching vis-à-vis the global use of English today, I will (re)introduce the principles of teaching EIL, and then respond to some common misconceptions and questions about teaching EIL in order to clarify the principles of TEIL behind the suggested practices.<講演2>

講師: Prof. Paul Kei Matsuda, Arizona State University
題目: Preparing Students for Writing Exams—and Beyond
日時:7月2日(土)16:00 ~ 17:30
場所: 神田外語学院3号館 7階 Azul


In today’s highly literate global society, the ability to write in English has become essential for success. Being able to speak English is no longer enough because many people can already speak English. Advanced literacy in English, however, sets people apart in academic and professional contexts. Yet, the teaching of writing has long been a marginal presence in the world of English language teaching. With the rise of standardized tests that include writing, however, preparing students for writing tests has become an important part of language teachers’ work. Preparing students for writing tests, however, does not prepare students for writing in other contexts due to various limitations associated with writing tests. This lecture will explore various problems associated with negative washback effects—the adverse effects of tests on teaching and learning—and suggest the importance of going beyond merely teaching to the test.


To reserve a seat for the lectures, access the following URL and complete the form there.この講演会に参加ご希望の場合は、次のURLからお申込みフォームに入り、必要事項をご入力・送信ください。お申込み頂いた後に、当方から自動返信メールをお送りしますのでご確認ください。


神田外語大学大学院 東京キャンパス TESOLプログラム
住所:〒101-8525 東京都千代田区内神田2-13-13 神田外語学院7号館4階
Office Hours:水曜〜日曜 10:00〜18:00(休業日:月曜および火曜)
TEL:03-3254-3586 FAX:03-3254- 585 

うち,Paul Kei Matsuda教授のもとでは,元ゼミ生のDragonくんが博士論文執筆しているはずです(渡米後音信不通なのでよく分かりませんが... まだまだ「学生」ですな)。