gendarmerie #2
Turkey detains Japanese man 'seeking to join Daesh' in Syria
Security forces detained a Japanese citizen on suspicion of seeking to cross the border into Syria to join the Daesh terror organization, Turkish media outlets reported.
The 24-year-old man, whose name was given only as M.M., was detained late on Tuesday in the Nizip district of the southern city of Gaziantep, close to the Syrian border.
According to Doğan News Agency (DHA), he had admitted to wanting to travel to Syria after getting to know an unnamed contact by telephone and then agreeing to cross the frontier. He will be deported from Turkey back to Japan once the investigation is completed, DHA added. It said he was detained during a routine check by the gendarmerie while being driven toward the border settlement of Karkamış.
今回取り上げるのは、“gendarmerie”という表現です。発音記号は /ʒɒnˈdɑːməri/ となります。
この表現をMerriam-Websterで調べてみると、“a police officer; especially : a police officer in a country where French is spoken”と定義されていました。さらに『ジーニアス英和辞典G4』(大修館書店)でも確認してみると、「〔集合的に〕(フランスなどの)憲兵(隊)」と記載されていました。「(国家)憲兵」は、フランス・イタリア・オランダ・スペイン・ポルトガルなど西欧諸国等に見られる警察組織のことです。ちなみに、“gendarmerie”は集合的な呼び方ですが、隊員は“gendarme”で表されます。(ninetails)