常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

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Sexual etiology eyed in 14 U.S. Zika cases

NEW YORK (AP) — U.S. health officials are investigating more than a dozen possible Zika infections that may have been spread through sex.

The 14 cases all involve men who visited areas with Zika outbreaks, and who may have infected their female sex partners, who had not traveled to those areas.

Zika virus is mainly spread by mosquito bites, and sexual transmission has been considered rare. There have been two reported cases, including a recent one in Texas, and at least two other reports of the Zika virus found in semen.


“etiology” を取り上げます。eti(source, cause)、log(speak,study)の二つの形態素から成るもので、ここから考え、「原因を究明する学問」あたりの意味合いになるだろうとあたりをつけました。

ここで辞書的な意味を確認していくとLDOCEでは“the cause of a disease or scientific study of this”、『ジーニアス英和辞典第三版』には「1.原因(起源)の究明 2.原因学 3.《医》病因(学)」との記載がありました。形容詞”etiologic(-al)”,副詞”etiologically”と合わせて確認しておきましょう。(あいづ)