常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

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morph 復習

ハリー・ポッター』シリーズのスネイプ先生役でおなじみの俳優 アラン・リックマンが癌のため亡くなりました。

In the 1990s, Rickman played roles ranging from the Sheriff of Nottingham in Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves to Rasputin, picking up awards and acclaim along the way. But to younger audiences, he will always be Severus Snape, Harry Potter's teacher at Hogwarts who morphed from villain to hero by the end of the eight-film saga. But not even Rickman was entirely in on the transformation plan. ""She gave me one tiny, little, left of field piece of information that helped me think that he was more complicated and that the story was not going to be as straight down the line as everybody thought," he told the movie site HitFix.com in 2011.



ジーニアス英和辞典第5版』(大修館書店)によると「変形させる、(気づかれないように劇的に)変化させる[する]」とありました。LDOCEでは“to develop a new appearance or change into something else, or to make something do this”と定義されています。語源をみてみると、「metamorphosis : 著しい変化、大変貌」の動詞形「metamorphose : …に変形[変態、変質、変身]する」が省略された形とありました。

