常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。

The pen is mightier than keyboard

Vox Populi(2015年12月19日付)より表現を拾います。ここでは,編者がとあるシンポジウムで漢字の書き順を間違えた経験にヒントを得て,「いい機会なので年賀状をペン(あるいは鉛筆)で書こう」という展開になっています。

VOX POPULI: The pen is mightier than the keyboard for New Year's greetings

Relying excessively on computers and digital gadgets for writing can lead to unexpected embarrassment.

A few years ago, I was a panelist at a symposium on kanji characters. I wrote what should have been an easy kanji on a whiteboard set up on the platform, but I missed one horizontal stroke. To my horror, another panelist added the stroke for me in full view of the audience.
Writing a kanji in public can expose one's ignorance of the proper order in which the strokes of a kanji should be written.

With the kanji for "onna" (woman), for instance, the correct order is (1) the left downward stroke, (2) the right downward stroke, (3) the left downward stroke, and (4) the middle horizontal stroke. But I’m in the habit of doing these steps in reverse.

I’m guilty of the same sloppiness with other kanji characters. You could perhaps say that I just like to do things my own way--but that’s definitely not something I should show off.

It's time to start writing New Year's greeting cards, and this presents a good opportunity for taking a long, hard look at our excessive reliance on word processing software. I imagine many people will be busy this weekend writing addresses on their greeting cards. Most correspondence nowadays is either printed or exchanged online, but it’s always a pleasure to receive something written by hand.

According to the results of a public opinion survey on the Japanese language, released this past autumn by the Agency of Cultural Affairs, nearly 90 percent of respondents said they prefer correspondence that is "entirely hand-written or at least contains a hand-written line."
A familiar scrawl can bring back fond memories of the writer's face and voice.

Nonetheless, the future of handwriting culture is dim at best. In the same survey, nearly 30 percent of respondents said they have "zero" or "only rare" occasions to handwrite anything in their daily lives. Ten years from now, I imagine the percentage will be much higher.


赤字の表現は, The pen is mightier than the swordのもじりです。元の表現は,『オーレックス英和辞典』第2版(旺文社)によると,「⦅諺⦆ペン[文]は剣[武]より強し」という意味です。BBC News(電子版,2015年1月9日付)によりますと,1839年,イギリスの小説家,戯曲家のエドワード・ブルワー=リットンの代表的作品『リシュリュー』に登場したのが最初であるそうです。この話の中でリシュリューは,絶対王政を確立させた彼に対する謀反の動きを,武力で抑えようとしていました。その時に彼の側近が,「剣よりももっと強い武器があるではございませんか」と言いました。それに納得し彼は“The pen is mightier than the sword”と言ったと伝わっています。


