常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

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kiss and tell 復習


Kiss and tell? Ig Nobel-winning doctor gives inside dish on smooching study

OSAKA – The discovery by a Japanese doctor that kissing can reduce allergic reactions in humans, for which he won the 2015 spoof Ig Nobel medicine prize, has posed a dilemma for a Japanese woman — she wanted to see her condition improved but did not want to kiss her husband.

“I’d rather kiss my child. Would that bring similar effects?” the woman asked Hajime Kimata, who runs an allergy clinic in Neyagawa, Osaka Prefecture, as the scientist revealed the inside story of his research during a speech in Osaka on Sunday.

While Kimata, 62, declined to reveal his answer to the woman’s question, he did confirm his research: That 30 minutes of kissing with a lover or spouse behind closed doors while listening to soft music can reduce allergic reactions among atopic and allergic patients.

It was this discovery that won him the prize, which he shared with three Slovakian scientists who also studied the “medical effects of kissing.”


今回取り上げるのは、“kiss and tell”という表現です。LDOCEで調べてみると、“a story, article, book etc in which someone tells the public the secret details of a romantic relationship that they had with a famous person”という定義が見つかりました。また、『ジーニアス英和辞典G4 大修館書店』で確認してみると、名詞で「⦅略式⦆(有名人との関係などの)暴露記事〔本、小説〕」、動詞で「秘密を暴露する、信頼を裏切る」といった意味が載っていました。さらに語源を調べると、聖書に出てくるイエスの弟子ユダが「これから自分がキスをした人物こそがイエスだ」と言って、イエスが誰なのかをキスして(“kiss”)敵に伝えた(“tell”)ということから由来しているようです。(ninetails)