decoy 復習
2.7 million men lured into dating website with only one female user
Police have discovered that more than a dozen men pretending to be women were behind an online dating service suspected of swindling some 2.7 million members out of a total of 6.6 billion yen in service fees, it's been learned.
Chiba Prefectural Police raided the online dating site operator in Tokyo's Toshima Ward and arrested 15 people, including its president Tetsuo Miura, 43, on suspicion of fraud and other charges. Police also sent papers on 23 staff members working as decoys to public prosecutors.
“decoy”をとりあげます。『Wisdom英和辞典第3版』(三省堂)をみてみると、「(人をおびき寄せるための)おとり(人[物])、おとりの」とありました。英英では“someone or something that is used to trick someone into going somewhere or doing something, so that you can catch them, attack them etc --- LDOCE”と定義づけられています。
語源はオランダ語の「de kooi : 鴨の囮」でした。スポーツ界ではディフェンダーを引きつけるための動きとして、サッカーやアメフトなどで用いられています(Chris)